八月 24, 2014


*unfortunately, we will not have a recording this week as we have special guest speaker Pastor Tom.



1. Thailand Team will be returning on Wednesday evening at 8pm. Please continue to keep them in prayer.

2. Awana will start again Wednesday, September 10 at 6:45pm. Please register with Joyce Or at the ushers table after CM Service. There will be a meeting for T&T club leaders next Sunday.

3. EM Baptismal Classes for Thanksgiving baptismal service (October 12) will be starting August 31st. Please contact Pastor Charlie if you’d like to be baptized or transfer membership.

4. Pastors’ News:

– Rev. Law will be on leave August 26-28, and at the joint PG camp August 29-31.

– Pastor Justun wil be away August 20-September 12 to help Fueng settle in China.

Bible Reference: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
