Mom Enough: the Fearless Mother’s Heart and Hope edited by Tony & Karalee Reinke

Reviewed by Emily D.
Mom Enough is a collection of short essays from a variety of women voices discussing the nature of motherhood and its eternal purpose. I enjoyed the short essay format as I could read it in quick spurts; they must know that moms get pulled in all directions and can often only find alone time in small snippets. The greatest takeaway message from this book is to remember the eternal purpose of motherhood and the significance of keeping that in perspective amongst the day-to-day grind and challenges.
Contributions by Rachel Jankovic, Gloria Furman, Rachel Pieh Jones, Christine Hoover, Carolyn McCulley, Trillia Newbell, and Christina Fox
Tags: carolyn mcculley, christina fox, christine hoover, Dating Marriage & Family Life (FAM), emily d, gloria furman, karalee reinke, rachel jankovic, rachel pieh jones, tony reinke, trillia newbell
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