About Us

South Vancouver Pacific Grace Mennonite Brethren Church (SVPGMBC) is an English- and Cantonese-speaking church located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We are a member of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and British Columbia Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
Mission & Vision
Our church seeks to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) through obeying the Great Commandments (Mark 12:29-31).
We care for the Gospel needs around the world by supporting missionaries and mission projects in various fields. Our missions Sunday and annual missions conference enable the congregation to develop a passion for mission work and care for mission needs near and far. We also send short term mission teams around the world to share the Gospel to people who have not yet heard the Good News, and equip brothers and sisters for the work of God. It is our hope that through missions, our brothers and sisters in Christ will see the world through the eyes of Jesus and have compassion for the lost.
Our History
South Vancouver Pacific Grace MB Church is an evangelical church, believing that the entire Bible was inspired by God through the Holy Spirit, is the infallible word of God and the authoritative guide for Christian faith and practice. Our church is the second planted church under Pacific Grace MB Church (PGMBC). The church history began in 1995 when the mother church, Pacific Grace MB Church, sent forth a group of dedicated members under the leadership of Rev. Owen Leung to start this new ministry.

Since this church is located in an East Indian community, we saw the need to be the light and salt among them. Many outreach works begun. In 1998, under the joint pastorship of Rev. Owen Leung and Rev. Patrick Fung, the church became independent. In the same year, Rev. Leung was called to another ministry, and Rev. Patrick Fung became the Senior pastor since then. The Lord has blessed us with a team of pastoral staff where we shepherd and minister together. Our goal is to lead people to know Jesus and “make disciples of all nations.”
In the year 2002, the missions board of the church initiated a new mission to adopt an unreached people group. The Lord has blessed this church through local ministries and overseas mission work. We thank the Lord for His faithful guidance and providence in equipping us to minister effectively to all people. In July, 2005, our church sent Rev. Patrick Fung start a church planting ministry in Richmond. By the abundant grace of God, the number of people attending the church plant increased rapidly, and on January 1, 2006 Richmond Pacific Grace MB Church became an independent church.
Praise the Lord for on the same date, Rev. Matthew Sin became the new Senior Pastor of our church. Rev. Sin continued to shepherd brothers and sisters and led this church to witness God’s love and grace. After eight years of faithful ministry, by the end of the year 2013, Rev. Sin responded to God’s calling and returned to Hong Kong, to fulfill the God-given vision on leadership training, missions mobilization, and China caring.
After an extended period of prayers, with the affirmation from the Lord, the church installed and appointed Rev. Antony Law, our pastor who had interned in our church and had shepherded us for more than 14 years, to be the Lead Pastor of the church on January 1, 2014. In response to God’s leading, Rev. Antony Law transitioned from pastoral ministry to local missions and missions training ministry in 2019. Under God’s sovereign grace, South Vancouver Pacific Grace MB Church continues to grow into a church with sincere love to honor God and care for people, with authentic faith to serve God and build up people.

Rev. Charlie Chun
Senior Pastor
Pastor Charlie Chun is a dual citizen American/Canadian, who grew up in Southern California. Alongside his wife Naomi, he finds great joy in watching their four children grow in faith, developing a genuine devotion to God and embracing His love.
A dedicated pastor and teacher, Pastor Charlie is passionate about sharing the gospel both globally and locally. He believes that Jesus’ message is for everyone and longs to see people from every language and culture come together to worship Jesus.
With a heart for mission work abroad and a commitment to outreach at home, Pastor Charlie strives daily to help people experience God’s love, bringing his vision of a global community of believers closer to reality, one person and one heart at a time.
charlie.chun@svpgmbc.org / 604-325-5300 ext. 100

Rev. Lancelot Tong
Chinese Ministry
Lancelot was born in China, raised in Hong Kong, got educated in Canada, theologically equipped and served in the US, then was sent to Hong Kong to teach. Eventually, he came back to Canada with a short detour in San Francisco. That’s how God brought him back in a full circle where he started his Christian journey to repay the debt he owed the good Christians who led him to a vibrant Christian life in Canada.
He is a bookworm. He would be content when put in a room filled with books. Becoming a spectator sport junkie after his active athletic life ends with frequent injuries, he needs God’s grace to protect him from watching too much basketball.
He has a wife and two grown kids, and his pastime is to help with running errands for the household. Living a simple life without much earthly possession of great monetary value, he believes faith seeks understanding so that he amassed only books and hopefully spiritual wisdom.
lancelot.tong@svpgmbc.org / 604-325-5300 ext. 106

Rev. Justun Chan
Children and Youth Ministry
Justun Chan is the Children and Youth Pastor at South Vancouver Pacific Grace MB Church serving since 2014. He also leads the executive team of the MB Chinese Christian Association (MBCCA) since 2020. Previously, he was an intern at Vancouver Chinese MB Church and an English Adults Pastor at Tri-City Chinese Christian Church. As of 2023, Justun has joined the Board of Directors of the MB mission agency called Multiply. Justun and his wife, Fueng Yan, have a son named Micah. They are excited to see where God will lead them in making disciples that make disciples.
justun.chan@svpgmbc.org / 604-325-5300 ext. 102

Lorraine Lee
Administrative Staff

Shirley Chan
Administrative Staff

Edna Fenn
Accounting Assistant

Edgar Li

Zhi Cong Ye

Bao Ai Wong