February 26 Sunday Service

February 25, 2023

Sunday Worship will be held in the church as usual tomorrow (Feb 26th). Please check the weather and road condition before you embark to join in-person worship as you see fit. If you find it uncomfortable to drive to church, please join the livestream worship. May the Lord guard your going out and your coming […]

February Services

February 3, 2022

This Sunday’s Joint Service on February 6 at 10am will be online only. For those who will be taking communion, please prepare your bread and cup elements. To adjust to the current pandemic progression, the Cantonese worship service at 11:20am will continue to be online only for the month of February. The English worship service […]

January Services Update

January 6, 2022

To adjust to the current pandemic progression, the Cantonese worship service will be online only for the month of January. The English worship service will continue to be in person (as the weather permits) and online. If the in-person service is cancelled due to inclement weather, an announcement will be made by the Friday before […]

January 2 Service – Online Only (In Person Service Cancelled)

December 30, 2021

Please note that this coming Sunday’s joint service at 10am will be online only! Due to heavy snowfall and rising COVID-19 cases, we will not have in person service this Sunday. For those who will be taking communion, please prepare your bread and cup elements beforehand. 因天氣惡劣與疫情嚴峻,本主日1 月2日取消現場實體崇拜,網上聯合崇拜照常舉行,早上 10 時開始,請自備聖餐材料。

In Person Services Today Cancelled (Dec. 26)

December 26, 2021

Please note that due to severe cold of -6, and feels like -12, plus road conditions are very snowy, and the unknown status of side streets/alleys in the Lower Mainland, we have decided to close today’s in-person service and go online only. You can follow our online video here: www.svpgmbc.org/live 因天氣惡劣,取消實體現場崇拜,可在網上參加粵語崇拜直播,時間早上11:20: www.svpgmbc.org/live

Inclement Weather or Emergencies 教會在嚴峻天氣/特殊情況下的通知 

December 23, 2021

Church closure for worship service/ events in inclement weather or emergencies: If our church would need to cancel the in-person services or other events due to inclement weather, we will make an announcement by two hours before the service/event time and notify congregants through the fellowship/small group network and the church website. If in-person service […]

In Person Services Update 實體崇拜更新

September 29, 2021

Join us for Sunday service in person or online, as you’re comfortable to! This coming Sunday: in-person/hybrid English worship service (9:30am) Next Sunday: in-person/hybrid Thanksgiving baptismal joint service (10am) After October 10, both our English worship service (9:20am) and Cantonese worship service (11:20am) will be in-person/hybrid. For those joining us in person, please wear a […]

September Worship Services 九月崇拜

September 3, 2021

Join us for our joint service (English and Cantonese) online this Sunday, September 5, at 10am! Our next in-person English worship service is on Sunday, September 12, and the following one will be on September 19. In-person Cantonese ministry service will be held on September 26. For the in-person/hybrid service, the online stream is still […]

Church Family Meeting

March 24, 2021

Ministries and financial report / Q&A (ministry-related or AGM-format-related) meeting will be held on Zoom on March 28, 1:30pm to 3:30pm (sign in at 1:30pm; meeting starts at 2pm). Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIucOmtpz4iE9SeZq7KoaGLZT2mllGYd992 For those registering, note that the meeting information will be sent on/after March 25. Registration ends on March 27 at noon. 家事座談會 將於3月28日下午1:30-3:30舉行,會議包括事工及財政報告/問答環節(有關事工或與會友年會相關詳情)。登記鏈結: […]

Joint Mission Conference 2020

October 14, 2020




October  |  February

February  |  January

December  |  September  |  August  |  July  |  March

October  |  August  |  July  |  June  |  March

August  |  January

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